Children Services

What we offer:

Child Protective Services begins when a family is reported to the agency due to concerns of child abuse, neglect or dependency. From the moment an intake is screened in, to the time that the case is closed, Children Services works diligently to ensure the safety of the child and the well being of the entire family. 

If you suspect that a child living in Sandusky County is being abused or neglected, you should contact the Sandusky County Department of Job and Family Services, Children Services Unit at (419) 334-8708.  Read More

Our Foster Parents are truly the backbone of what we do to help children.  You open your homes to children in need and provide them with safety and love, often at great sacrifice to your family.  At Sandusky County Children Services, we are committed to providing you with the support you deserve in helping us keep the children of our county safe.” Read More

In Ohio, there are more than 5,000 children available for adoption. Foster parents provide temporary care to children who are in the agency’s custody. provide a “forever family” for children in the agency’s permanent custody. Just like foster parents, adoptive parents need to work hard to incorporate the child into their family so that they may be successful not only in the placement, but in life. Read More
The Sandusky County Adult Protection Services Unit is committed to protecting adults at risk of abuse, neglect or exploitation while recognizing the importance of their right to live independently. This is achieved through the provision of appropriate supportive services and referral to community resources. Read More

The Kinship Permanency Incentive (KPI) Program was created to support children in the homes of family or friends who have committed to caring for them, when birth parents cannot. The KPI Program offers financial and other support to kinship placements. Read More

If you are in need of assistance, have emancipated from foster care and are between the ages of 18-21 we can help. After emancipation you may still be in need of assistance. You may be in need of resources for housing, career, or maybe even financial issues. Read More

A listing of children available for adoption from Sandusky County. View Listing

Protective Service By The Numbers

children involved in an investigation during 2023

In 2024, Children Services opened 217 Alternative Response assessments.

Physical Abuse Cases 35%
Neglect Cases 41%
Parent's self referral or Courtesy
Sexual Abuse
Dependency and Emotional Abuse

Adult Protective Services

In 2024, the APS Unit opened 61 cases and 4 ongoing cases

Children Services Mission: 

The Sandusky County Children Services Unit is committed to protecting abused, neglected or dependent children while also recognizing the importance of preserving the sanctity of the family. This is achieved by assisting families to become self-sufficient and able to provide a safe and stable environment for their children through the utilization of community resources.

Our Mandate:

  • investigate allegations of child abuse, neglect and dependency
  • make reasonable efforts to prevent the removal of children from their homes
  • provide placement services to children who cannot remain in their own homes
  • provide permanency for all children in our care
  • ensure that the child’s best interests are always our main consideration

Adult Protection Services Mission:

The Sandusky County Adult Protection Services Unit is committed to protecting adults at risk of abuse, neglect or exploitation while recognizing the importance of their right to live independently. This is achieved through the provision of appropriate supportive services and referral to community resources.

Contact Children Services

Call: 419-334-8708

Fax: 419-355-5329

 If you suspect that a child living in Sandusky County is being abused or neglected, contact Children’s Services immediately. Call (419) 334-8708. The agency is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to take calls concerning abused or neglected children. Read more about How to Make a Referral