Grandparent and Kinship Care

What is Grandlove?
Grandlove is a program for Grandparents/kinship providers to offer support and education as they care for their loved ones. The program meets quarterly at both the Birchard Library in Fremont and the Clyde Public Library and features a different speaker on four major categories; Legal, Financial, Education, and Emotional Health.
Grandparents/kinship providers are encouraged to bring the kids with them to these programs. Each program will have a free meal for all provided by a local church. Following the meal, the kids are dismissed to attend children’s programming provided by the library staff, while the grandparents are able to attend the seminar and network with other grandparent/kinship providers in the county.
You are not alone! The sacrifice and dedication that you’ve given for your loved ones is difficult. Grandlove is a way for us to help each other as we help our grandchildren.
For more information, please contact Sandusky County PCSA (419) 334-8708 JFS
Additional Resources
Ohio Grandparent/Kinship Coalition
Family and Youth Law Center
Grandlove Events
Upcoming events open to all grandparent and kinship providers. Events range from training to casual support groups.
Getting temporary/emergency custody of a Grandchild/Kin?
This is what you need to know…
If you are currently caring for one or more grandchildren because the child’s parent cannot, your grandchild’s parents can grant you Power of Attorney. This will allow you to:
- Arrange for the child’s routine and emergency medical, dental and psychological treatment.
- Authorize your grandchild’s enrollment in school.
- Access information regarding their education.
- Provide consent for educational activities.
To obtain Power of Attorney for your grandchild, you must:
- Access the Sandusky county Power of Attorney form.
- Understand and agree to the terms regarding Power of Attorney.
- Provide the signature of the consenting parent, yourself, and an official notary on the form.
- Fill out the UCCJEA Affidavit
- File the form with your local juvenile court within five (5) days of signing it.
If you are currently caring for one or more grandchildren, and cannot locate the child’s parent, you may obtain a Caretaker Authorization Affidavit. This will allow you to:
- Arrange for the child’s routine and emergency medical, dental and psychological treatment.
- Authorize your grandchild’s enrollment in school.
- Access information regarding their education.
- Provide consent for educational activities.
To obtain a Caretaker Authorization Affidavit, you must:
- Access the Sandusky county Caretaker Authorization Affidavit
- Understand and agree to the terms regarding the Caretaker Authorization Affidavit.
- Fill out the UCCJEA Affidavit
- Provide your signature and that of an official notary.
- File the form with your local juvenile court within five (5) days of signing it.
It is recommended that if the care is permanent, that you seek legal counsel to guide you through the various legal options on how to provide permanency.
Supports available for Families
If you are a grandparent or kinship family and need support, Sandusky County DJFS has a variety of programs available to you. Below are some of the options available to you:
- Cash assistance – Apply at JFS and ask for “Child Only” TANF or Ohio Works First cash assistance. Eligibility is based on the child’s out-of-home status, not the caregiver’s income.
- Medicaid coverage – Eligibility is based on the child’s income. Children not already covered by a health insurance policy are likely eligible for a Medicaid card. This will be VERY valuable in meeting the needs of the child in your care.
- SNAP (Food Stamps) – This benefit is based on your household income and number of people living there.
- Child care subsidy – This benefit is for low-income caregivers who are working.
- Kinship Permanency Incentive Program – Financial supports are available for qualifying permanent kinship families (those with judicial custody).