Food Assistance

Online Benefit Application
ODJFS Benefits provides an easy and quick way for the people in Ohio to apply for benefits OR report changes to an existing case.
If you need emergency food assistance, please come into the agency. We may be able to issue Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits for you that day or give you a food pantry referral.
The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) helps people with low incomes obtain nutritious food. SNAP benefits are issued by USDA through county job and family services departments and are used to purchase specific staples and grocery items at participating grocery stores. “The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, disability and political beliefs.” Eligibility, determined by Sandusky County DJFS, is based on federal guidelines including income and household size. More than 600,000 Ohioans receive benefits from the food assistance program. Household size is the number of people in the household who purchase and prepare meals together. Income is usually based on the most recent average monthly income. Some people may be required to participate in our JOBS program in order to receive food assistance program benefits. While some may meet exemptions, and not be required to work. To find out more contact Sandusky County DJFS.
Common Questions
Households whose gross monthly income is within 130% of the federal poverty level, whose monthly income after all allowable expenses(net adjusted income) is within 100% of the poverty level may qualify for benefits. Income limits do not apply if everyone in the household receives income from Supplemental Security Income(SSI) or Ohio Works First(OWF)
Allowable expenses are: medical expenses for individuals 60 years of age or older or who are considered disabled; dependent care costs; legally obligated child support; shelter costs(rent, mortgage, property taxes, gas, electric).
At the time of application some items such as income and expenses will require verification. If the household has little or no income, the household may be eligible to receive benefits the day they complete their interview. Normal processing requires that benefits be issued or the application denied within 30 days after the date the application is filed.
Depending on your household’s situation, you will have a review(recertification) of your eligibility for SNAP benefits at least once every 12 months.
In addition, Interim Reports are required. A form will be sent in the middle of the certification period, which is required to be filled out and returned for SNAP benefits to continue. This is to report any changes regarding household size, income, address, child support, and/or lottery or gambling winnings. The form will also need completed and returned stating there are no changes.
SNAP benefits can be used to buy food or food products intended for human consumption except alcoholic beverages, tobacco, and hot food and or hot food products prepared to be eaten immediately. You can not: sell or trade food assistance program benefits; buy non-food items; use food assistance program benefits to buy food for someone who is not a member of the household.
- Alcoholic beverages, tobacco and cigarettes, vitamins and medicines.
- Pet foods.
- Paper products.
- Household supplies.
- Any other non-food items.
Direction Card

Area Food Pantries
Sandusky County Emergency Food Pantry
129 Bidwell St.
P.O. Box 445
Fremont, OH 43420
Phone (419)334-8158
Hours: 12pm-2:30pm Monday – Thursday (closed Holidays)
Clyde Food Pantry
803 W. McPherson Highway
Clyde, OH 43410
Phone (419)547-9555
Hours: 9am – 11am and 4pm – 6pm on Thursdays
Gibsonburg Food Pantry
116 South Main Street
Gibsonburg, OH 43431
Hours: 6:30pm – 7:30pm on Monday – Thursday
* Must be a resident of the Gibsonburg School District. Must have a referral from clergy or human services. Only allowed six visits per year.
Bellevue Fish and Loaves
203 Maple St.
Bellevue, OH 44811
Phone (419)484-2814
Hours: 1:00pm – 5:00pm on Wednesdays