Department Annual Reports

Food Assistance

Public Assistance Annual Report (2024)

The Public Assistance Division of Sandusky County Department of Job and Family Services administers a variety of federal and state programs which provide either cash, food and/or medical assistance to eligible individuals or families. These programs are: Medicaid, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Ohio Works First (OWF) and Disability Financial Assistance .

Financial support, money bag

Child Support Annual Report (2024)

The Sandusky County CSEA provides services to help ensure that children receive the financial and medical support they are legally entitled to and deserve. By working with both parents, the agency seeks to establish support orders and maintain consistent support payments. More than one million children are involved in the child support program in Ohio. In Sandusky County, 6,646 children were involved in the program in 2018.

Baby footprint

Children Services Annual Report (2024)

In order to achieve our mission and fulfill our mandates, the Sandusky County Children Services Unit works very closely with members of the community, other social service agencies, schools, churches, law enforcement and the court system. Cooperation and coordination with all of these entities are essential in order to ensure we protect the children of Sandusky County. Furthermore, each individual can play a role in helping us to achieve this goal. Whether you report concerns regarding a child or offer assistance to a family in need, as a community we can all contribute to a safer future for our children.


Workforce Development Annual Report (2024)

In April 2014 due to the enactment of Ohio House Bill 1, The Job Store’s name was changed to OhioMeansJobs-Sandusky County. On July 1, 2014, President Obama signed into law the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. We are continuing to implement the changes required by the act.


Legal Division Annual Report (2024)

The legal administrator is responsible for supervising the legal division; representing the CSEA and Children Services Divisions in Sandusky County Common Pleas Court and Juvenile Court; advising SCDJFS in various legal matters at the discretion of the CDJFS director; acting as a special prosecutor for the purpose of prosecuting felony nonsupport cases for the CSEA and benefit recovery cases for PA; and drafting all appellate briefs for cases that proceed to the Ohio 6th District Court of Appeals. The legal administrator also acts as the SCDJFS Civil Rights and ADA Coordinator who is responsible for annual training and processing complaints. The children services attorney acts as legal counsel for most Sandusky County Children Services cases in Sandusky County Juvenile Court. The children services attorney supervises the child services legal secretary and provides legal guidance to the Children Services Division in the management of their cases.